Activity Book -Gleb Vinogradov-8A
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четверг, 3 сентября 2020 г.
Hello. Right now I want to talk with you about the most destructive and murderous disaster in the history of Earth. When we talk about natur...
среда, 13 мая 2020 г.
Body language
People’s bodies give off a mixture of subconscious signals and signs which cannot be concealed even by the most clever of liars. They are...
How to detect a liar
Studies have shown that in an average 10-minute conversation, people tell at least 3 'lies'. Our bodies give off a mixture of subc...
вторник, 12 мая 2020 г.
News 09.05.20- 15.05.20
Hello everyone. My name is Gleb Vinogradov. It is the sixth publication of my news blog. I had been collecting the information for the wh...
Немецкий. Спряжения
Faulenzen 1 лицо - ед.ч | ich Faulenze - мн.ч| wir Faulenzen 2 лицо - ед.ч | du Faulenzt - мн.ч| ihr Faulenzt 3 лицо - ед.ч | er Fa...
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