среда, 25 сентября 2019 г.

Final topic

      Hello everyone! It is a time for the "7 Days news". My name is Gleb Vinogradov. Congratulations. It is our show's anniversary. It is 60 years old today, so let's remember main news of last 60 years.
      Firstly I want to say "Thank you" to Martin Rietze. He gave us a present - a photo of the volcanic eruption. Right now I want to tell you some facts about his job. 
When a volcano erupts, most peоple want to get as far away as possible, as quickly as they can! German engineer Martin Rietze grabs his camera and tries to get as close as he can and stay alive. The lava flow is about a metre away and it's getting closer every second. The ground beneath his feet is shaking and there is a deafening гoar. He can't stay this close for too long because the gases and acids will destroy his camerа, but Martin Rietze waits just long enough to see flaming hot lava and ash explode out of the nearby crater and gets the perfect shot. Martin is a freelance photographer whose stunning photographs of volcanic eruptions are in high demand with newspapers and magazines all over the world. He is one of a small but dedicated group of volcano chasers. When a dormant volcano becomes active, they book the first flight to be as near as possible to it. The final results though definitely worth it! Sometimes fountains jets of lava that shoot up as high as a thirty-storey building! Also Martin always takes precautions: goggles and a gas mask provide protection from poisonous gases, but gloves are just as important because fresh lava can be as sharp as а knife. Martin is unique photographer, I like his photos.

пятница, 6 сентября 2019 г.

Module 1

Module 1 (09.09.19-30.09.19)
1.To get some Information  about vocabulary I:

- read the student book

- watched special (example)

- communicated with parents

- listened  to the radio

-  did all vocabulary exercises in my work/student book

- learned new words in google table

- had a dictation

- created an example of breaking news

2. To get some information about grammar I:

- Worked with the Grammar test on the lesson

- Done a Grammar hometask

- Worked on a good platform

-Did all grammar exercises in Work/Student book

-Made a presentation, using new words from the module

3. Finally I presented my project on the lesson.