среда, 13 мая 2020 г.

Body language

People’s bodies give off a mixture of subconscious signals and signs which cannot be concealed even by the most clever of liars. They are a part of human nature. If this is true, what can the average person do to know if they are being spun a yarn? There are some signals, that can help you to detect some emotions. 
  1. For example, when people think actively, solve something hard, they scratch their heads. 
  2. When people are surprised, they can raise eyebrows. Or, when people wrinkle nose, they try to show uncertainty, disgust of something.
  3. And when people are scared or happy, they show teeth.
  4. Also, when people are so stressed and worried, they bite nails. 
  5. So, when people are embarrassed, they cover their mouth. 
  6. When people are sad and annoyed, they frown. 
  7. Finally, when people are shocked, they open their eyes and mouth wide.

Also, there are some more body signals. 
  1. When people show crinkles during smiling, their smile is genuine and not a forced.
  2. When people raise eyebrows during the conversation, they have a discomfort.
  3. When you can see a mirroring ( same pose) during the dialogue, all is going well.
  4. Extremely long eye contact is a sign of a lie.
  5. When a person crosses legs, this person is closed up.
  6. Furred brows mean the stress.
  7. Crossed arms show defensiveness.

Body language can tell many things about us. I believe that you liked my ideas. They can help you during your lifetime. Because hiding emotions and lies is people’s nature.

How to detect a liar

Studies have shown that in an average 10-minute conversation, people tell at least 3 'lies'. Our bodies give off a mixture of subconscious signals and signs which cannot be concealed even by the most clever of liars. They are a part of human nature. If this is true, what can the average person do to know if they are being spun a yarn? There are some signals, that can help you to detect the liar.

First of all, It is often said that liars are unable to look you straight in the eye. This can be true and they may rub their eyes, for instance, to avoid eye contact. But it may surprise you to know that really good liars often overcompensate by maintaining eye contact longer than normal in order to convince you they're telling the truth. If they hold eye contact for longer than six seconds, be suspicious about what they are telling you.

Second signal is called busy hands. While telling a lie, people often instinctively use their hands to touch their faces, scratch their heads or cover their mouths which show their discomfort. Sometimes they will even hold an object in front of them such as a book to create a subconscious barrier to hide behind.

Thirdly, When faced with a question a person doesn't want to tell the truth about, they often mirror or repeat the language of the person asking the question so as to buy time to think. There may also be an increase in the number of 'ums' and 'ahs' they use, again showing that they are thinking while talking.

Fourthly, Whether a person is right-handed or left-handed also plays a role when telling lies. Right-handed people tend to look right when lying while left-handed people tend to look left.

Finally, Most liars will have a telltale sign on their face such as going as white as a sheet or the exact opposite – blushing. Such changes are subconscious responses to stress brought on by lying. Also, look out for micro-expressions, little nervous twitches or muscle spasms around the eyes, cheeks or neck which flash across people's faces, giving away their true emotions. Someone may be smiling at you, for example, but suddenly you spot their eyelids, eyebrows and the corners of their mouths drooping. This could mean they are actually feeling sad. Be warned, though micro-expressions last for less than a second, so they're really tricky to spot. 

Above all, trust your instincts! If you think someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, you're probably right. Having said that, don't take things too far. I hope that you liked my ideas. 

вторник, 12 мая 2020 г.

News 09.05.20- 15.05.20

 Hello everyone. My name is Gleb Vinogradov. It is the sixth publication of my news blog. I had been collecting the information for the whole week. As usual, right now I am going to present to you some positive news from the past 7 days.

Firstly, Later this summer, NASA will send a robotic helicopter to Mars for the first time. The helicopter runs on solar power. The space agency chose to name the helicopter Ingenuity. The word means being clever or original. The name was suggested by Vaneeza Rupani. She is a high school student. She lives in Northport, Alabama. Rupani's idea was part of NASA's "Name the Rover" essay contest. The contest was open to American K-12 students. Students sent about 28,000 names.

Secondly, Prince Harry of the British Royal family has recorded a video. It honors a favorite children's book. The book is "Thomas the Tank Engine." The main character is a train engine. The book came out 75 years ago. The video introduces a new TV program. It is called "Thomas and Friends: The Royal Engine." The story includes Harry's father and grandmother, Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II, as animated characters. Prince Harry's video was recorded in January, before he moved overseas.

Finally, Families might not be able to get together for Mother's Day this year. So they are trying different ways to celebrate. The coronavirus is keeping families at home or a safe distance apart. Health officials have asked people to stay home and stay away from others. That will help to slow the spread. So, people have looked for ways to make mothers feel special. Dads are making crafts with the kids. Others are finding ways to connect with their mothers. Hospitals and homes for seniors are not allowing visitors. Some facilities are helping. They will share messages that families have recorded for patients.

Thank you for your attention. I hope that you liked my report. Stay at home and wash your hands. Goodbye.

Links: Alabama student names NASA's first Mars helicopter, Prince Harry's messageMother's Day

Немецкий. Спряжения

1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Faulenze
- мн.ч| wir Faulenzen
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Faulenzt
- мн.ч| ihr Faulenzt
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Faulenzt
- мн.ч| sie Faulenzen
1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Schwimme
- мн.ч| wir Schwimmen
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Schwimmst
- мн.ч| ihr Schwimmt
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Schwimmt
- мн.ч| sie Schwimmen
1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Höre
- мн.ч| wir Hören
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Hörst
- мн.ч| ihr Hört
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Hört
- мн.ч| sie Hören
1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Mache
- мн.ч| wir Machen
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Machst
- мн.ч| ihr Macht
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Macht
- мн.ч| sie Machen
1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Lese
- мн.ч| wir Lesen
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Liest
- мн.ч| ihr Lest
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Liest
- мн.ч| sie Lesen
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- ед.ч | ich Spiele
- мн.ч| wir Spielen
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Spielst
- мн.ч| ihr Spielt
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Spielt
- мн.ч| sie Spielen
1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Tanze
- мн.ч| wir Tanzen
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Tanzt
- мн.ч| ihr Tanzt
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Tanzt
- мн.ч| sie Tanzen
1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Schlafe
- мн.ч| wir Schlafen
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- ед.ч | du Schläfst
- мн.ч| ihr Schlaft
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Schläft
- мн.ч| sie Schlafen
1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Fotografiere
- мн.ч| wir Fotografieren
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Fotografierst
- мн.ч| ihr Fotografiert
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Fotografiert
- мн.ч| sie Fotografieren
1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Trinke
- мн.ч| wir Trinken
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Trinkst
- мн.ч| ihr Trinkt
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Trinkt
- мн.ч| sie Trinken
1 лицо
- ед.ч | ich Surfe
- мн.ч| wir Surfen
2 лицо
- ед.ч | du Surfst
- мн.ч| ihr Surft
3 лицо
- ед.ч | er Surft
- мн.ч| sie Surfen

понедельник, 11 мая 2020 г.

Difficult people

The gossip might seem harmless, but when they're talking about you, it can be extremely upsetting and embarrassing. Gossips take great delight in passing on bad news: “Did you hear about poor ..." They are not that worried about the truth either. As long as it sounds good, they're more than willing to pass the story on, usually exaggerating it in the process. The gossip will often try to find out what you know in order to tell someone else later on, but avoid getting involved. If necessary, be direct: “Sorry. I'm just not interested in gossip"! Gossip usually dies down quickly when no one wants to listen or contribute.

The steamroller can be very hostile and aggressive and will walk all over you without a second thought. They may shout, make threats and even physically intimidate their victims to get what they want. It is essential to be calm when dealing with a steamroller so that they don't get even angrier. Don't shout back or appear scared or nervous as this is what they want – for you to be afraid of them. Let the steamroller see that you take them seriously, even admit they may have a point, but be assertive and firmly state your case. Sometimes you have to for yourself and not back down.

The know-it-all ... well, thinks they know it all! They can have valuable opinions to offer, but the problem is, they can't stand being wrong. The know-it-all tends to dominate conversations and often tries to make other people feel small because of their lack of knowledge. One way to deal with these kinds of people is to not get involved in whatever they are talking about: stay neutral or admit to seeing both sides of an issue. Don't forget that the most important thing for know-it-alls is winning an argument. If they try to drag you into one, let them know that you couldn't care less about winning.  They'll soon get bored if they can't show off!


The whinger complains about absolutely everything! It doesn't matter how trivial or bizarre the complaint ("The ice cream was far too cold!"), the whinger will go on and on about it as if it's the end of the world. They see the downside of everything and dismiss every solution you come up with. The problem is, deep down they love moaning. One way to handle a whinger is to agree with them completely: "You're absolutely right. I don't know how you put up with it all." Whingers often just want a little bit of sympathy; once they get it, they should complain less. Okay, they might complain sse


No matter what you do, you cannot get a word in edgeways; the chatterbox talks on
 and on ... and on! These people are sociable and often have big hearts, but they don't listen to what you have to say and as a result it's impossible to get anything done around them! Try taking control by interrupting them firmly and saying something like "Wait a minute, let me ask you a question about that." You can also try listening to these people for a while after all, they may just be lonely - and then say, with a smile, "Ok, well nice talking to you but| really have to get back to this now," and hope they get the message!

Drama queen

When drama queen stubs a toe, it's a life- threatening injury, but when they find a plaster it's as if they've won an Oscar! They exaggerate everything that happens to them and share it with the world through tears of pain and joy. The thing to do is react as little as possible. By taking an interest in their latest triumph or tragedy, you are just encouraging them to keep blowing things out of proportion.

A bully is someone who Ilikes hurting others.
A whinger is someone who complains about everything.
A killjoy is someone who stops others enjoying themselves.
A snob is someone who thinks they're better than others.
A troublemaker is someone who likes to cause problems.
A scatterbrain is someone who is easily disorganised.
A know-it-all is someone who thinks they know more than others.
A chatterbox is someone who just won't stop talking.
A bighead is someone who thinks they are very important.
A drama queen is someone who exaggerates their emotions.
A party animal is someone who loves having a good time.
A nosy parker is someone who pries into other people's business.
A bossy boots is someone who is always telling others what to do.
A steamroller is someone who walks all over others.

среда, 6 мая 2020 г.

News 02.05.20-08.05.20

Hello everyone. My name is Gleb Vinogradov. It is the fifth publication of my news blog. I had been collecting the information for the whole week. As usual, right now I am going to present to you some positive news from the past 7 days. 

First of all, April 22 marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. NASA and Lego joined together on social media to inspire families to celebrate at home. As part of Lego's weeklong creative challenge, they prompted fans to "Build a Planet."

Secondly, The morning of May 4 was a morning of firsts for the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. It was the first time audio of the court's arguments was heard live by the world. It was also the first time arguments were made by telephone.

Finally, Athletes find creative ways to train from home during the coronavirus. For example, Despite the circumstances, Alexandra Recchia's dedication to her sport remains the same. Recchia, who is the five-time karate World Champion, is just one of many world-class athletes around the globe who have come up with creative ways to continue their training.  By the way, Sharon van Rouwendaal is an Olympic gold medalist swimmer from the Netherlands. So, she has had to resort to swimming in an inflatable kiddie pool in her backyard.  Also, French professional cyclist Yoann Offredo of Wanty-Gobert Cycling Team trains in the garage of his house, which he converted into a sports room.

 Thank you for your attention. I hope that you liked my report. Stay at home and wash your hands. Goodbye.

Links: Build a Planet, Called to order, Creative athletes