четверг, 3 сентября 2020 г.


Hello. Right now I want to talk with you about the most destructive and murderous disaster in the history of Earth. When we talk about natural disasters, we usually take them as seriously as we shouldn't. A Disaster has been being a common situation on Earth since its inception. We get bad news every year, but the worst thing is that more and more disasters are becoming not natural. We create problems for us by ourselves. But when your planet is being attacked by a large asteroid or comet about 11 to 81 kilometers (6.8 to 50.3 miles) in diameter like, for example, Chicxulub impactor,  people are not guilty, there is nothing to do. Every T-REX would agree with my words.

 Sixty-six million years ago, dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Initially, A giant object came flying through space and hit our planet. The tremendous object landed in the water near Mexico. It must have been a comet or asteroid. It was traveling 150 times faster than a jet. The asteroid hit the Earth with magnificent force. Its blow is known as an impact. By the way, what Is The "Crater of Doom"? The giant space rock left a large crater. The hole in the ground was deep. The abyss is estimated to be 150 kilometers (93 miles) in diameter and 20 kilometers (12 miles) in depth. The cavity is known as Chicxulub (was named after a nearby Mexican town).  The crater is being buried under the ocean floor right now. Also, I can't forget that the impact caused all sorts of horrifying situations.  It made the land shake and crack apart. The hit produced a megatsunami over 100 meters (330 ft) tall. At first. it turned the Earth warm as a greenhouse. The emission of dust and particles had been covering the entire surface of the Earth for numerous years, probably a decade, creating a harsh environment for living things. Production of carbon dioxide, which is caused by the destruction of carbonate rocks, led to a sudden greenhouse effect. Forest fires filled the skies with smoke. Over a decade or longer, Sun's rays had been being blocked from reaching the surface of the Earth by the dust particles in the atmosphere, cooling the surface dramatically.  Consequently, Temperatures cooled, the planet became as cold as an icebox.  That is why photosynthesis by plants was also interrupted, affecting the entire food chain. Three-quarters of the kinds of animals living on Earth were wiped out. Most of the dinosaurs were killed off. Honestly, Some survived: crocodiles, turtles, and small, rodent-like mammals. These small mammals are our ancestors. So, let's talk about the crater itself. A peak ring is a chain of mountains. It forms around a crash. The peak ring forms in two stages. First, bedrock pushes up following the impact. Then, it falls back down in a ring shape.  Finally, This is called the K-T event. It marked the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary period. 

As a result, this event changed the world. Maybe, it gave us a chance to live, but, at the same time, it took millions and billions of other lives. As for me,  It is the central tragedy in the story of  Earth.

среда, 13 мая 2020 г.

Body language

People’s bodies give off a mixture of subconscious signals and signs which cannot be concealed even by the most clever of liars. They are a part of human nature. If this is true, what can the average person do to know if they are being spun a yarn? There are some signals, that can help you to detect some emotions. 
  1. For example, when people think actively, solve something hard, they scratch their heads. 
  2. When people are surprised, they can raise eyebrows. Or, when people wrinkle nose, they try to show uncertainty, disgust of something.
  3. And when people are scared or happy, they show teeth.
  4. Also, when people are so stressed and worried, they bite nails. 
  5. So, when people are embarrassed, they cover their mouth. 
  6. When people are sad and annoyed, they frown. 
  7. Finally, when people are shocked, they open their eyes and mouth wide.

Also, there are some more body signals. 
  1. When people show crinkles during smiling, their smile is genuine and not a forced.
  2. When people raise eyebrows during the conversation, they have a discomfort.
  3. When you can see a mirroring ( same pose) during the dialogue, all is going well.
  4. Extremely long eye contact is a sign of a lie.
  5. When a person crosses legs, this person is closed up.
  6. Furred brows mean the stress.
  7. Crossed arms show defensiveness.

Body language can tell many things about us. I believe that you liked my ideas. They can help you during your lifetime. Because hiding emotions and lies is people’s nature.

How to detect a liar

Studies have shown that in an average 10-minute conversation, people tell at least 3 'lies'. Our bodies give off a mixture of subconscious signals and signs which cannot be concealed even by the most clever of liars. They are a part of human nature. If this is true, what can the average person do to know if they are being spun a yarn? There are some signals, that can help you to detect the liar.

First of all, It is often said that liars are unable to look you straight in the eye. This can be true and they may rub their eyes, for instance, to avoid eye contact. But it may surprise you to know that really good liars often overcompensate by maintaining eye contact longer than normal in order to convince you they're telling the truth. If they hold eye contact for longer than six seconds, be suspicious about what they are telling you.

Second signal is called busy hands. While telling a lie, people often instinctively use their hands to touch their faces, scratch their heads or cover their mouths which show their discomfort. Sometimes they will even hold an object in front of them such as a book to create a subconscious barrier to hide behind.

Thirdly, When faced with a question a person doesn't want to tell the truth about, they often mirror or repeat the language of the person asking the question so as to buy time to think. There may also be an increase in the number of 'ums' and 'ahs' they use, again showing that they are thinking while talking.

Fourthly, Whether a person is right-handed or left-handed also plays a role when telling lies. Right-handed people tend to look right when lying while left-handed people tend to look left.

Finally, Most liars will have a telltale sign on their face such as going as white as a sheet or the exact opposite – blushing. Such changes are subconscious responses to stress brought on by lying. Also, look out for micro-expressions, little nervous twitches or muscle spasms around the eyes, cheeks or neck which flash across people's faces, giving away their true emotions. Someone may be smiling at you, for example, but suddenly you spot their eyelids, eyebrows and the corners of their mouths drooping. This could mean they are actually feeling sad. Be warned, though micro-expressions last for less than a second, so they're really tricky to spot. 

Above all, trust your instincts! If you think someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, you're probably right. Having said that, don't take things too far. I hope that you liked my ideas.